How to Apply

How to apply

Supported athletes must comply with one of the following ‘Links‘:

  1. Live within an area where GLL or partners manage sport and leisure venues
  2. Be educated within an area where GLL or partners manage sport and leisure venues (must be 18 years or under)
  3. Be affiliated to a sports club that has a training base at a GLL or partner-managed sport and leisure venue
  4. Use a GLL ’BETTER Gym’ as your strength and conditioning venue (for example, Better Gym Romford or Better Gym Mere Green)
*Areas we provide athlete support –  Link

  • All the questions on the application need to be completed for your application to be considered. Inaccurate applications will not be accepted.
  • All answer spaces on the application form should be filled. If the question is not applicable please enter ‘N/A’ in the space. Do not miss out on support because your application form appears inaccurate 
  • When supplying results, please use results from your previous season i.e. if your season ends before December use results from then, if the season ends after December use results from the previous year
  • Please provide evidence for your results and ranking. Ideally, an accurate website link that clearly identifies the athlete's name. If website links are provided that do not show the athlete's name on the same page, you risk an unsuccessful application. i.e. you provide a link to a home page and not a ranking list.
  • Evidence can be emailed, please state this on the application with the word ’email’. The email should include the athlete's name, sport, and what the evidence is in relation to. i.e. John Doe, Swimmer, British nationals final result. Evidence should be from official channels and not simply your own list of results.
  • Accepted evidence can also include a headed letter from an official within your sport to help with supporting evidence of results/ranking. This can be from your sports coach, team official, NGB etc. The letter should include their position within your sport, the athlete's name, sport, and confirmation of results/ranking achieved.
  • If you are applying via your affiliation to a sports club based at a GLL/Better venue, please provide supporting evidence to verify your affiliation.
  • On submission of application the applicant will receive an email confirmation, if you do not receive confirmation please contact GLL.SportFoundation@GLL.ORG, where we can look into the status of your application to confirm your submission.

  • Support is awarded annually – online application period runs from 20th December to the 20th February. Athletes are provided with support that runs for a year from April of the award year (April – April)
  • Applicants will be notified in April (of the award year) the outcome of their application; awards will be distributed to athletes thereafter
  • Individuals can only receive one GLL Sport Foundation award per annum
  • Athletes need to reapply annually for on-going support, support is not automatically renewed
  • All awards are aligned to the Awards Criteria. It will act as guidance to the GLL Sport Foundation Board to determine the allocation of awards within categories.  Priority is given to Olympic and Paralympic sports, however, applications will be considered from other sports recognised by Sport England, Sport Wales, and Sport Northern Ireland that have performance pathways
  • Where there are oversubscribed applications, priority for financial awards will be given to athletes who have a ‘live link’ (see above)
  • Depending on the number of applicants, if the athlete has a “SPORTS CLUB BASED IN GLL VENUE” they may be eligible to receive a financial award.
  • Athletes whose only link is to a ‘BETTER Gym’ are eligible for a maximum award of a training membership
  • Athletes applying under the Freedom/Halo partnership venues will receive their training award from the relevant partnership.